What is LifeLens?
LifeLens is an online photo/video curation tool that lets you and your friends compile media from an event, in one convenient spot. Users upload/access photos from both popular social media platforms and local computers. Not only can you re-live the event, but our service also lets you experience the event from the perspective of other attendees. So whether it's your night out with friends or the trip to the big game, LifeLens will let you cherish it all over again, in one convenient location.
Design Process and Reflections:
This was one of those projects that took everything and anything I knew about things and put them into play. I had this idea for integrated, immersive albums that let you re-experience an event back in 2012. Without the skills and resources available, it was put on hold. This year I was give the opportunity to pursue it and take it to an alpha stage. While I was leading the team for the last 4 months, I was also in charge of the design process. I always wanted a clean and easy interface. While I lacked the programming skills, I ensured that I conveyed the experience to the fullest even in the alpha stage of the service. To my joy, when the service was debuted at a showcase event, the interface was widely praised and the service also caught the attention of a noticeable amount of people.
Since I had a general idea of what I wanted, the initial jump wasn't hard. We did make a secondary interface that was put into the user validation process as an A/B test scenario. We learned that overwhelming majority, preferred one interface over the other. Gladly, the one I had initially thought off.
This moved from wireframe to mockups very rapidly. Since most of our testing was done on the actual demo page, there were not many mockups on InVision or Axure. Linked is the actual working demo in the alpha stage. The nodes at the alpha stage represent the quantity, the next step is to have them change their size according to the number of photos/video added on that specific time. We weren't able to integrated video in the first cycle and lastly for now clicking enables filtering users on and off but we hope to make it more seamless.
This has again gone on pilot, until better resources come along. If you are interested in this, feel free to contact me.